The structure and purpose of Livy’s “History of Rome” (Ab Urbe Condita).

I. Introduction

A. Brief overview of Livy's "History of Rome" (Ab Urbe Condita)

II. Livy’s Structure of “History of Rome”

A. Division into decades
B. Chronological arrangement of events
C. Inclusion of legends and myths

III. Purpose of Livy’s “History of Rome”

A. Moral and political instruction
B. Glorifying Rome's past
C. Reflecting Roman values and virtues

IV. Conclusion

A. Recap of Livy's structure and purpose in "History of Rome"



Livy’s “History of Rome,” known as “Ab Urbe Condita,” is a monumental work that covers the history of Rome from its legendary founding to the early days of the Roman Empire. Livy lived during the reign of Augustus and dedicated his life to writing this extensive history. This essay will explore the structure and purpose of Livy’s “History of Rome.”

Livy’s Structure of “History of Rome”

Livy structured his “History of Rome” into decades, with each decade representing a period of roughly ten years. This division allowed Livy to organize the vast historical events in a systematic manner, making it easier for readers to follow the progression of Roman history.
Furthermore, Livy arranged the events in a strict chronological order. This meticulous chronology not only provided readers with a clear timeline of historical events but also helped in establishing the causal relationships between different incidents, thereby emphasizing the continuity of Roman history.
It is important to note that Livy’s work is not purely factual in terms of historical accuracy. He incorporated legends, myths, and folklore into his narrative, believing in their significance in shaping Rome’s identity and providing moral lessons for future generations.

Purpose of Livy’s “History of Rome”

The primary purpose of Livy’s “History of Rome” was to offer moral and political instruction to the Roman people. By chronicling Rome’s rise to power, its victories, defeats, and the virtues of its leaders, Livy sought to impart important lessons on governance, leadership, and patriotism. Through his depiction of historical events, Livy aimed to educate his readers on the values and virtues that were essential for the prosperity and longevity of the Roman state.
In addition to providing moral guidance, Livy also intended to glorify Rome’s past and instill a sense of pride and admiration for the achievements of the Roman people. By portraying Rome as a city that rose from humble beginnings to become a mighty empire, Livy sought to inspire his contemporaries and future generations to emulate the greatness of their ancestors and uphold the values that defined Roman society.
Moreover, Livy’s “History of Rome” served as a reflection of Roman values and virtues. Through his narrative, Livy highlighted the importance of piety, duty, courage, and honor, which were central to the Roman ethos. By portraying the actions of historical figures in accordance with these values, Livy not only celebrated the virtues of the past but also reinforced the idea that adherence to these principles was crucial for the preservation of the Roman state.


In conclusion, Livy’s “History of Rome” is a remarkable work that combines historical accounts with moral teachings, serving as both a record of Rome’s past and a guide for its future. Through its structured organization, inclusion of legends, and moral underpinnings, Livy’s narrative continues to be a valuable source for understanding ancient Roman society and its enduring legacy.

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