Latin text translated

Miro monstro plaudit vulgus: Tiberius igitur Androclum advocat et e servo mirae amicitiae causam quaerit. Ibi Androclus mirificum praeteritum factum narrat: «In Africa dominus meus provinciae imperium obtinet, at ego ad fugam cogebar propter cotidianas domini mei plagas. Concedo in campos et arenas, deinde in cavernam remōtam atque latebrōsam penetro, quia vestigia mea condere volo. Paulo post in habitaculum suum leo intrat. Fera lamenta edit, quia aegra est, et mansuēta accedit, pedem porrigit et auxilium petit: nam spinösum lignum pedis eius vestigio haeret. Medicamento cruorem magna cum cura detergeo. Fera meā operā et medela levatur, recumbit et quiescit. Sic postea in caverna cum meo socio diu vivo».

Aulo Gellio

The crowd applauds the wonderful monster: Tiberius then pleads with Androclus and asks the servants for a reason for their wonderful friendship. There Androclus recounts a wonderful past event: "In Africa, my master has control of the province, but I was forced to flee because of my master's daily plagues." I descend into the plains and the sands, then I enter a remote and hidden cave, because I want to leave my tracks. A little later the lion enters his dwelling. The beast laments because it is sick, and the gentle one goes, stretches out his foot and asks for help: for the thorny wood of his foot sticks. I wash off the blood with great care. The beast is relieved by my work and medicine, lies down and rests. So afterwards I live in a cave with my companion for a long time. 
Aulus Gellius

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